St Martin de Porres Church

31555 Hoover RD
Warren, MI 48093

Rev. Nicholas Zukowski, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Marion Jurewicz,​ Deacon

Tel: (586) 264-7515
 Fax: (586) 264-4013
  Formation: (586) 264-7970  


St. Martin de Porres - Upcoming Funeral Services

Florence Murphy (96)

DECEMBER 11, 1928 – MARCH 1, 2025

​Visitation: Friday, March 7, 2:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Rosary at 4:00 p.m.

30009 Hoover Road
Warren, MI 48093

In State: Saturday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m.

Followed by the Funeral Mass at 11:00 a.m.

St. Martin de Porres Church​

​Visit the Memorial Page


Ralph McNally (89)

​No Funeral Home Visitation

In State: Monday, March 24 at 9:00 a.m.

Followed by the Funeral Mass at 9:30 a.m.

St. Martin de Porres Church​


About Funeral Services at St. Martin de Porres

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences of life. Our belief in the suffering, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the firm cornerstone of our Catholic faith. Whatever we do here on earth is to prepare ourselves for eternal life with God and with all the angels and saints. Providing funeral services is a fundamental form of parish ministry, service and outreach to a grieving family or to a grieving individual. The funeral wake service at the funeral home focuses on the past and includes eulogies; the Funeral Mass in church focuses on the present reality; the committal at the cemetery leaves us with a spirit of future hope.

Any Catholic living within the parish boundaries is entitled to a Funeral Service. “Funeral Service” does not automatically mean a Funeral Mass. The funeral service for the deceased and the surviving family should reflect the life and degree of faith-practice of the deceased and the surviving family.

​1. Catholics who are registered at St. Martin de Porres Parish and are active, practicing Catholics (or their surviving family who are registered at St. Martin de Porres and are active, practicing Catholics) may be offered the funeral wake/vigil service at the funeral home, the Funeral Mass at church, and burial services provided by the pastoral ministers and by the support team of volunteers of St. Martin de Porres Parish. This also applies to individuals who are/were registered at St. Martin de Porres Parish but spent their last days in a convalescent care center. This also may apply to former parishioners who have left the area. The wake service takes place in the funeral home the evening before the Funeral Mass; the Funeral Mass takes place in the church the following morning; burial at the cemetery immediately follows the Mass.

No “Memorial Mass” will be accepted at St. Martin de Porres Parish except under extreme circumstances; the body or the cremains of the deceased must be present for the Funeral Mass. The Funeral Mass is offered Monday through Friday (except legal holidays and holy days of obligation), depending upon the availability of the priest. The first choice of a day may not be possible. The pastor usually celebrates the Mass, but a guest priest (who is a relative or family friend) or a substitute priest also may preside (or concelebrate). Visitation at the church begins at 9:00 a.m.; the Funeral Mass begins at 9:30 a.m.

2. Catholics who are neither registered at St. Martin de Porres Parish nor are active, practicing Catholics (or their surviving family who are not registered at St. Martin de Porres Parish and are neither active nor practicing Catholics) may be offered a Liturgy of the Word service at the funeral home on the day of burial, and burial services at the cemetery. Generally, the parish deacon will officiate at all funeral home services. No Funeral Mass in church is to be offered by the funeral director nor will it be provided by the parish. Archdiocesan policy forbids the celebrating of a Funeral Mass in a funeral home.