St Martin de Porres Church
31555 Hoover RD
Warren, MI 48093
Rev. Nicholas Zukowski, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Marion Jurewicz, Deacon
Tel: (586) 264-7515
Fax: (586) 264-4013
Formation: (586) 264-7970
Growing Faith and Engaging Hearts
Lent is a time of spiritual renewal and a season that calls us to conversion. Think of this time as your own personal retreat to grow in your relationship with God. Take a look at your life. Are you leading a life according to God's Will or your own will? Do you only turn to God in times of trouble or do you count your blessings and praise God often? God is the faithful friend who never abandons us! God is with us always. If you have kept Him at a distance, turn to Him and give Him your heart. Always know that God loves you and He is merciful. He will welcome you with open arms. When reflecting on your life, consider the following:
-Give up complaining - focus on gratitude.
-Give up pessimism - become an optimist.
-Give up harsh judgements - think kind thoughts.
-Give up worry - trust Divine Providence.
-Give up discouragement - be full of hope.
-Give up bitterness - turn to forgiveness.
-Give up negativism - be positive.
-Give up anger - be more patient.
-Give up gossiping - control your tongue.
-Give up sin - turn to virtue.
-Give up giving up - hang in there!
God Bless,
Sandy Acord
Director of Christian Formation
For information on Faith Formation or with
questions, please call the Formation office
at 586-264-7970
Sandy Acord, DRE, Ext. 233
Mary Loria, Administrative Assistant
Ext. 231
Or email us at:
St. Martin de Porres & Protecting Children:
Safe Environment - information for parents
2024-25 Formation
class schedule:
Faith formation classes are
held on Tuesdays. Our
schedule of classes:
4:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Levels 5, 6, and 7
6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8
7:45 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Level 9 (Confirmation)
· Are you thinking about becoming Catholic?
· Do you know someone who is?
· Do you need to complete your Sacramental preparation?
St. Martin de Porres Parish has adult formation from September to February. Please contact the Parish Office at 586-264-7515 for more information on joining the program.
Other Family Activities
· Children’s Rosary
· Family Mass
· Family Fun/Movie Night
· Tree-Trimming Service
Sacraments - Christian Faith Formation
· Reconciliation (First Confession)
· First Eucharist (First Holy Communion)
· Confirmation
Sacramental preparation takes place at home and during regular class time. We assist parents and guardians as they exercise their role as the first and best educators of their children in faith formation and the practice of the Catholic faith.
Copyright 2015. St. Martin de Porres. All Rights Reserved.